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FAQ - Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

Injectables: The Answers You Need

What are Wrinkle Relaxing injections?

Commonly referred to as Botox (although there are multiple brands out there!)

How do Wrinkle Relaxing injections work?

Botulinum toxin is a naturally occurring protein that blocks muscle signals to reduce dynamic facial lines e.g. during frowning. They can also be used to reduce the funciton of over active sweat glands such as for those who experience hyperhydrosis.

How much are Wrinkle Relaxing injections?

Priced per area, and starting from £150 including the initial consultation, treatment planning and a further review appointment.

How long will Wrinkle Relaxing results last?

Results can be seen as soon as 3-4 days after initial treatment, will be at their maximum at the 2 week mark, then your body will gradually break down the product over the next 3 months (on average). Most people get repeat treatments on a 3 - 6 monthly basis depending on personal preference.

FAQ - Dermal Fillers

Injectables: The Answers You Need

What are Dermal Fillers?

I only use fillers made from hyaluronic acid: something our body already make but unfortunately we make less of it as we age. Dermal Fillers come in varying shapes and sizes and can be used to restore volume in different areas or even change the shape of certain facial features.

How long do dermal fillers last?

This depends on the person being treated, the area being treated and the type of product. Dermal fillers tend to last longer in areas that we don't use as much. For example lip filler won't last as long as filler placed elsewhere. A general guide can be from 6 - 18 months and can be discussed further at your consultation.

How much dermal filler will I need?

Please book a consultation! I will always treat you as a whole person, based on your concerns and my professional opinion. I try to stay away from discussing your treatment in terms of 'how many mls' and focus more on what you would like to achieve.

How much are dermal fillers?

You can expect prices to start from £280, including your consultation and any required follow up and aftercare.

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